Shelter - Foldable Furniture

Sitting outside, around the campfire, or just lounging is a lot more comfortable than it used to be. No longer do you have to sit in those weird webbing lawn chairs. Technology and ingenuity have come to the camper's rescue.
First off is the market chair or camp chair, seen at the right. These chairs instantly fold up into a tube shape that fits right in the bag and can be easily carried over the shoulder or packed in the trunk. They are extemely comfortable, and come in several sizes and shapes, including one with a built in foot rest. I recommend the heavy duty model, like this one. Added bonus: almost every model comes with a cup holder.
If you have chairs, I guess you have to have tables. I didn't even know these existed until I went to a barbecue and they had them sitting out. The table top is a set of slats, usually wood or aluminum, connected with shock cords. A frame, very similar in shape and operation as the camp chair opens up and the table hooks to this. Very handy and very convenient. This aluminum model looks nice.
When it's time to cook, and you're doing it outside, Coleman has a neat looking kitchen cooking station. I'm attracted to this kind of table because I like to cook with a hibachi type grille and I'm always worried about damaging the finish of the camp's picnic table. With a steel metal top, you should be able to set stove and grilles on it without danger. There are several other metal top folding tables that could work fo this too.
With all of this, and some foot stools and a portable refrigerator, you could literally make your camp pretty luxurious, with just a trunkload of gear. Sure some people won't think you're roughing it, but it beats sitting on a hard rock to read a book or enjoy the view.
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