Travels with Charley

The cool camping blog. Trying to find gear, supplies, adventure and activities for the 21st century camper.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Drive By Post #1 - Gear

I'm on the eve of a 10 day trip to California and wanting to get in a post right now. So here's a couple of quick links for short interesting bits I've found on the internet.

#1 The Firefly - A backpack bottle with an integrated LED light in the cap. The result: A lantern, a water bottle, hey, it's both! The website has some nice backpacking gear too.

#2 In the vein of the earlier post on the pop can stove is Make-it-yourself backpack gear. Some of its links are broken, but could be some nice info for you. This site includes all of the instructions and the techniques for sewing outdoor gear.

#3 tag for camping. I found the items above there. Not everything is relevent but you can find some interesting stuff out there.

Hey, with spring here it's time for get out your gear, fixing or replacing what is damaged or worn, restocking your supplies and planning your trips. Get cracking and I'll talk to you in April!